The film is about a man, who has been imprisoned for 14 years, who has been released and has four days to figure out why he was imprisoned in the first place.
The film is about a man, who has been imprisoned for 14 years, who has been released and has four days to figure out why he was imprisoned in the first place.
Zinda - Ein gestohlenes Leben, Узник прошлого
This can fuck off
I can’t believe I found a Oldboy remake worse than the 2013 one
Everything that is bad about Bollywood, shitty fight scenes, shitty sound effects/soundtrack and a literal knock-off plot of Oldboy (2003) come together to produce what has to be the most shameless, god-awful, illegal remake of a film to have ever been created.
This knock-off is so blatantly shameless and obvious, the hallway fight scene and the bit leading up to it is completely a knock off (even the knife in his back and the hammer are copied), a beginning scene is essentially remade where he begs for mercy and an explanation from the man delivering his food (even the fried dumplings and sleep-inducing gas are copied from Oldboy), and they even tried to copy Oh Dae-Su's glasses LMAO. These and…
Now let's get two things out of the way...
1. I really don't like bollywood films. This all goes back to to when i watched what i was told was bollywoods answer to Scarface. An experience I equate more to watching scareface on tv and every 15 minutes some asshole changes the channel to "xanadu", your like "hey dude i was watching that" and he's like "don't worry we'll get back to it" but when he does change back the moment has past and you've lost any interest the film was building.
2. I can't usually stand any form of remake or bland unoriginal film making.
Those two points aside I'll try and be non bias.
The film isnt actually…
oldboy but its blue
"shes getting Faaaaaa"
Can't believe Park Chan Wook ripped off this absolute masterpiece of a film. Truly the most oppressed filmmaker of our time. For real tho, it utterly baffles me how someone can get away with this and including licensed music like the spider-man theme and the psycho shower theme is absolutely bonkers, truly chad cinema.
I think this will soon become a big so bad it's a good film to go-to for me, it is batshit bonkers and stupid to the extreme. I think I'll have to check out some actually good Indian cinema after this to treat myself because this was just a mess to sit through even if I was laughing every few seconds.
Get some drinks, get hammered,…
Only Bollywood can make multiple unauthorized remakes and also give 0 fucks about being in any way faithful to the original. Actual gigachads.
Much better than the English remake. Some elements have been adapted quite nicely. The "Ye Hai Meri Kahaani" sequence is quite apt for the complementing screenplay but I'm more confident that the song will go much better in the original film than its Hindi remake.
The problem with Hindi mainstream filmmakers, and especially someone like Sanjay Gupta, is that they engage with the source material as if it is a bunch of gimmicks. Hence, they are more interested in sensationalizing than politicising. There is little to no understanding of the subtext, only a surface level reading that can facilitate a story's contextualisation.
Found Rohit's motivation for vengeance much more potent than even the original and John performs wonderfully but his character needed much more exploration to establish the intensity of his actions once the cause was established.
The blue tint sucks ass.
4.5/10 👍🏻
Oldboy made with that Twilight blue filter
This is an insult to Oldboy
Noch lange bevor die US-Staaten sich an das Remake des legendären südkoreanischen Films OLDBOY (2003) machen konnten, hatte sich Bollywood schon den Stoff angeeignet: BUCHSTÄBLICH, weil keine offizielle Erlaubnis eingeholt wurde! Da ZINDA ohnehin floppte und das Studio pleite ging, wurde seitens Hollywood -die zu der Zeit schon Rechteinhaber waren- auf eine Klage verzichtet. Tja, der Film existiert trotzdem und wie üblich war ich neugierig.
"Das WARUM ist wichtig."
Gekidnapped und weggesperrt, ohne nur den geringsten Schimmer weshalb und weswegen, steigern sich Jahr um Jahr die Rachegelüste des inhaftierten Balajeet (Sanjay Dutt). Tagein, tagaus wird er mit Wan Tan Taschen abgespeist und beginnt seine Zeit irgendwann dafür zu nutzen, die Gefängnismauern mit bloßen Fäusten zu bearbeiten, um…
Ye kaya bawasir bana diye ho!!