Why watch many movie when one do trick
-Alberto Angela in the fmovies comment section
Starting this review off by saying fuck you because this has NOTHING to do with Saltburn-By-The-Sea which is a lovely seaside town in the North East and this gives it a bad name.
Pretty standard "class-war" (read: rich cunts scrapping) fare with some freudian stuff throughout.
I liked the bits at Oxford with Felix and Oliver, and I liked the ending, I get what the film is and why it appeals to people, aristocracy and petit bourgeois class warfare blah…
They're singing happy birthday you just want to profit from AIDS
Fuck this movie and fuck rent
This started as a film I thought I had to see at 16 and ended as a film that I would've ruined if I saw at anytime but now.
I went to counselling when I was 17, in the worst point of my life and while she never went through the whole "it's not your fault" schpiel (which was so impactful, I'm not slagging it), my counsellor never let me forget how the actions of the people who harmed me…