

Eurasian transmasc. Into arthouse horror, decolonial cinema, sexploitation, and pretty films in general

Favorite films

  • In the Mood for Love
  • Love Exposure
  • Pulse
  • Let the Right One In

Recent activity

  • Let the Right One In


  • Teke Teke


  • Goth


  • Free Chol Soo Lee


Recent reviews

  • Let the Right One In

    Let the Right One In


    Honestly didn't realize I hadn't reviewed this one yet but truly my favourite vampire movie and book adaptation. Real feat of cinematography, brilliant realization of one of the most iconic death scenes in horror, captures the essence of its source material, perfect performances from its leads. The only half point removed is due to personal gripes with aspects of adaptation that I can't fault it for at all. I don't even care about the CGI cats.

  • Teke Teke

    Teke Teke


    A pretty good time in general, super corny effects and great intro and is camp in a way I enjoy, but the film kind of loses me partway through when it tries to give the famous urban legend more of a backstory and doesn't maintain its established momentum until the final act. Overall still worth it if you're as into this era of J-horror as I am

Popular reviews

  • The Vampire Doll

    The Vampire Doll


    Sometimes you just want to watch a fun campy vampire movie with blood splatter, gothic/hammer horror aesthetics, and period-typical overacting. Good times all around

  • Raise the Red Lantern

    Raise the Red Lantern


    It's beautiful, simple, sombre, and yet so terrifically elegant and layered. Every line of dialogue hits like a truck, and I emerged from this a broken man. This is the absolute peak of Zhang Yimou's career.