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This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
3 Takeaways
"I'm not your problem, I'm just a businessman."
In an exchange with the head detective who's hot on the heels of Frank White, Walken explains how his outcomes are no less of a result of a rotting system that aligns its riches with the deep pockets of those who tower above the working class. Although Frank's virtuous, Robin Hood-like attempts are understandable, by the film's conclusion, the fallacy of his supposed transformation reveals itself when he holds a…
For all its different approaches to the source, Kubrick's pressure cooker film has long since been cemented as the defining image of King's work. When you think of Jack Torrance, you see Nicholson grinning merrily between the shattered wood of a broken door, and nothing since could rival.
As such, Doctor Sleep was bound to struggle at the intersection where King and Kubrick met. Its predecessor looms over the film's entirety. Its soundtrack quite literally runs on that familiar heartbeat.…
Having just attended a recent 20th anniversary event of Cowboy Bebop in Ontario, CA, I thought it was a fitting opportunity to express my love affair with the series, and in particular, its film, which has entertained, thrilled and moved me on a personal level for the better part of my teenage years and adulthood. Cowboy Bebop became a bridge of sorts, linking together two cultures and in the process it opened the eyes of western audiences to what Japan…
Robocop: and how moving up the corporate ladders takes guts.... and lots of blood.
Still a freakishly violent and satirical piece of science fiction that doesn't stray away from Murphy's heart. In an otherwise lesser movie we'd see more of the flashy armor and weaponry in action, but whereas with Robocop we're treated to something deeper than visual flairs and squirting blood packets...... for which there are many here.
Be it A DOLLAR! or several to rent or own, its still worthwhile.