

Favorite films

  • Hot Fuzz
  • Trainspotting
  • Rush Hour
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

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  • Napoleon Dynamite


  • Oblivion

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  • The World's End


Recent reviews

  • Napoleon Dynamite

    Napoleon Dynamite


    I hold this movie in a similar light as I hold Spore. Everyone loves Spore. it's a cultural powerhouse, something so objectively masterful that any flaws it has...simply do not count. I don't have to explain myself because you know precisely what I mean.

    People love to view Spore through a critical lens because they feel like they need to have something negative to say about it, otherwise it's "unfair". So we get people ranking it around 3 stars and…

  • Oblivion


    I just love the M83 song it's their only good song

Popular reviews

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens


    Every year I try to go a whole year without thinking about this pile of turd and then something always reminds me of it. A testament to its staying power as a pile of turd? Most definitely. A movie that is so forgettable and lacking in its own identity that it becomes extremely memorable? As beguiling as it is begrudgen to my most unfortunate subby (that is to say, my subconscious).

    Bravo JJ Binks, you suck (though I really like…

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


    The scariest potter. Only watch this one if you are prepared for a big big snake harry will do battle against this snake. Other hoglights (hogwart highlights) of this movie include potter speaking parseltongue and gilderoy lockhart getting pwn'd by severus