Jonny Green

Jonny Green Patron

32 year old fan of film, music, art and collecting physical media. Especially records and special edition film releases

Favorite films

  • Perfect Days
  • The Warriors
  • The White Stripes: Under Blackpool Lights
  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Recent activity

  • Se7en


  • The Big Lebowski


  • La Haine

  • Groundhog Day


Recent reviews

  • Se7en



    Man, do I love these kinds of films. This, zodiac, silence of the lambs, nightcrawler, prisoners. They just appeal to my true crime obsession. They are dark and sinister and deal with depravity and darkness but I cannot turn away.

    This being David Finchers first film (Alien 3 doesn't count) and today, my favourite from him. The story and the payoff are exemplary. If you've seen it before, you know where and how it ends so shockingly. That long drive out into the middle of nowhere is wracked with tension, there are no happy endings here.

  • The Big Lebowski

    The Big Lebowski


    "This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!"

Popular reviews

  • La Haine

    La Haine

    Hmm really struggling to put a star rating to this film. It’s clearly very highly regarded and with good reason but I’m not sure I enjoyed it. I mean, it doesn’t seem the like the kind of film you SHOULD enjoy in theory but a tough one. Will come back to it another time.

  • Requiem for a Dream

    Requiem for a Dream


    Don't do drugs kids!- the movie