Not as fantastic as I thought it was gonna be but it still did its job of being an average action movie. Though felt it took its self way too seriously when it wasn’t coming off like that at all.
Always fun to see nazis die though
Well the mistake was watching this sober, I’m sure if I had been high I would have found it more interesting.
Perhaps I’ve just came way late to the party, as I know it’s a favourite film for many. But all I watched was a couple guys on a drug fuelled bender that didn’t really have any story structure. I also could no hear half of the movie.
I just thought it was pretty meh.
A father on trial for the murder of two pedophiles who sexually assaulted and attempted the murder of his daughter.
Set in the still very much racist Deep South circa the 1980’s this story follows the trial of Carl Lee Hailey player by Samuel L. Jackson. Jackson does well within this role to portray a distraught and vengeful father who seeks to right a wrong bestowed upon his family.
Mathew McConaughey plays his lawer Jake Brigance, who will be succumbed…
I thought this was gonna be the origin story of goodfella’s pizza, much to the tune of The Founder.
How disappointed I was, when I was presented with this dull 2 hour slog fest of white men talking.
Didn’t even see one slice of pizza.