Alex J 🤠

Alex J 🤠 Patron

Favorite films

  • The Shrouds
  • eXistenZ
  • Crash
  • Videodrome

Recent activity

  • House of Wax


  • Seven Veils


  • Exotica


  • Mank


Pinned reviews

  • Caught by the Tides

    Caught by the Tides


    AIFF 2024 - Film #4
    Jia Zhangke Ranked

    The best film of the year and I cannot recommend it to a single human being...because unless you've seen Jia Zhangke's filmography, it is completely incomprehensible.

    Caught By The Tides experimental stream of consciousness tone poem that charts Zhangke's career and the tumultuous evolution of China over the past 20 years. Mostly comprised of repurposed footage from his older films (deleted scenes), as well as home video footage and newly filmed…

  • Transformers: The Last Knight

    Transformers: The Last Knight


    Sir Anthony Hopkins talking about Marvel:

    “Sit on the throne, shout a bit. If you’re sitting in front of a green screen, it’s pointless acting it.”

    Sir Anthony Hopkins talking about Michael Bay:

    “I thought, this guy’s a genius, he really is, he’s the same ilk as Oliver Stone and Spielberg and Scorsese. Brilliance. Savants, really, they are. He’s a savant. The movies are terrific. They’re created by a genius.”

    I rest my case.

    Michael Bay Ranked
    Prior Review

Recent reviews

  • House of Wax

    House of Wax


    The set up runs about 20 minutes too long in the first half, weighing down what is otherwise a great 00s slasher film stuffed to the brim with creative kills and INSANE production design. In a gimmick that's so stupid it's brilliant, it's a genuine wonder it took the third House of Wax movie to follow through on the title and give us a literal House of Wax.

    Sidenote: Why does the villain look like Glenn Danzig?

  • Mank



    David Fincher Ranked

    Whenever Mank's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Mank?"

Popular reviews

  • The Raid

    The Raid


    Opening your anti cop film with the title card “the views and version of events as presented here are not endorsed by the New Zealand Police” is the hardest shit I’ve ever seen.

    TIFF 2022 - Film #3

    2022 Ranked

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    "Our entire life is a punishment."

    And so was watching this movie...

    Man, WHAT happened here? A sloppy, stilted and awkward mess of a film that feels like the direct result of a significantly longer edit cut down big time. So many ideas, topics, themes, characters and subplots that dissappear for long chunks of time or never pay off. A compelling premise so thinly explored with so little to say despite spouting out so much.

    And worst of all? It's…