

Favorite films

  • Apocalypse Now
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • Mulholland Drive
  • The Passion of Joan of Arc

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  • Arrival


  • Nosferatu


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  • The Night of the Hunter


Recent reviews

  • Arrival



    Watched this one for class, through a laptop screen. Certainly not an ideal way to view any film and I fear I missed out on something visually as a result.

    It’s good! I wasn’t blown away, but I enjoyed pretty much everything served up here. I really don’t have much else to say. Perhaps on a future viewing, if ever.

  • Nosferatu



    Another one I didn’t review when I initially watched it. Shame on me for consistently being behind on these!

    In a few brief statements.

    Visually stunning. Can’t always take Lily Rose Depp seriously, especially after watching The Idol. First half of the film is phenomenal, second is still great but drags a bit more. Great performances all around! Reading other people’s reviews, none of these are particularly insightful; I am in agreement with the majority on this one.

    Great work once again, Eggers!

Popular reviews

  • Trap



    Above all else, Trap is an interesting film. It takes risks, throws balls from out of left-field, and does a great — if spotty — job of it. The strongest film of Shyamalan’s recent output, and an overall enjoyable film! A fun concept, executed in a fun if imperfect manner, and Josh Hartnett acting his ass off.

    God bless M. Night. Seriously, where would the modern box office be without his films?

  • Taxi Driver

    Taxi Driver


    Grime. A grit so pervasive it has compacted, forming the very foundation of a city. What better place to set such a film than 70s NYC, and who better to direct such a film than the king of gritty crime thrillers himself? 

    Taxi Driver
    perhaps represents Scorsese and his favourite muse at their zenith: in under 2 hours, they deliver a clear narrative that while grounded and rather unconfusing maintains the perfect level of thematic ambiguity. There are so many…
