Im not nearly as funny as i think i am. I additionally cannot resist yapping, apologies in advance.
Send me recommendations!!!!!
To me this is the definitive wizard of oz. Incredible soundtrack that have earwormed themselves in my brain for several decades. Such earnest performances combined with the fantastically creative and detailed costume and set design make for a whimsical time all the way through. This interpretation places the characters in what is essentially a bizarro fantasy new york where everything is in dissaray and everything including the bannisters of a subway come alive to come eat you at any time.…
This fucking rocks i dont care how silly or stupid it is. Paced like your cat on zoomies and sometimes feels like it has skipped a cut or two, though thankfully doesnt take away from the fun even if its kinda brainfrying. Genuinely fantastic space-cinematography with breathtakingly expansive and unique shots and cuts that I’ll remember for quite a while. Stories about the indomitable human spirit will always hit for me no matter how cheesy and this movie especially got me so pumped. Feel like we havent had such an optimistic global-cooperation blockbuster since the 2000’s.
what if i married half the cast, what then?
Breathtaking and soulcrushing. Excellent theming and characters. Please watch it in theaters.