Fun premise, bit too on the nose and preachy though — but always fun to watch rich families doing whatever they want
White rich parents who cant have kids adopting one black and one asian kid is soooooooo real tho😂 😂😂
Fun premise, bit too on the nose and preachy though — but always fun to watch rich families doing whatever they want
White rich parents who cant have kids adopting one black and one asian kid is soooooooo real tho😂 😂😂
This one is for the kids who grew up in larger families☝️☝️☝️
Unexpectedly hilarious and so poignant and contemporary in its very subtle, tasteful and honest exploration of dynamics within a family!!! with insaneeeeeeely beautiful visuals!!!!. Left the cinema feeling so much love for mothers, daughters and siblings🤍 🤍🤍
perfect winter watch