I really dislike whatever this is. It’s like Kung Fury with a tumblr pastiche.
+pts for costumes, editing, and lighting — I guess
I really dislike whatever this is. It’s like Kung Fury with a tumblr pastiche.
+pts for costumes, editing, and lighting — I guess
Perfect movie. Happy I got to see it in theaters. But, it reminded me of the time I saw Death Grips: Horrible fans. The guy seated next to me was an autistic crust punk is full Shinji Ikari cosplay — and he couldn’t refrain from singing the songs at intermission and during Third Impact.
Sidebar: Just want to reiterate that I love intermissions. A24, take notes
This was the first time 15 y/o me heard, “Born Slippy.” Still slaps. MEGA, MEGA WHITE THING.
It is funny, though. Ruby was laughing when Ewan McGregor’s character was rattling off drugs he consumed and said, “some of these are OTC lol.” Product of the time. A criticism of post-modern style is the general wordiness and often superficial weaponization of minutiae. That’s on full display in Trainspotting but I don’t really mind. It gives the film rhythm that coalesces well with its awesome soundtrack. 4/5 stars: GREAT.
Sidebar: I miss 90min runtimes