Does to Tom O'Neil what Titanic did to Icebergs #characterassassination
TLDR: They should've given Manson that recording contract smh.
Does to Tom O'Neil what Titanic did to Icebergs #characterassassination
TLDR: They should've given Manson that recording contract smh.
This one goes out to all the gay, dysphoric drug addicts that stay strapped!
After the commercial success Challengers, this is very much Luca's more personal and commercially cursed (currently sitting at a deficit of about 40 million) film of this year. BUT, he continues to be GOATED. Always gets the best out of his actors and shows more craft in a few minutes than most directors hope to pack into an entire movie.
Don't see this one with your dad unless you want to witness his despair as his favorite James Bond sucks and fucks his way through an army of emotionally unavailable twinks.