Usually I put a quote here, but I don't think there were any memorable quotes from this movie.
If you're a horror fan it'll be entertaining enough.
"Kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri!"
A Japanese horror film dripping with hidden metaphors. The film starts slow as a film company executive holds a fake audition to find the "perfect" wife. He finds what he thinks to be the woman for him - someone shy and submissive. The film then descends further and further into "something isn't right" before becoming absolutely gruesome.
Yes, the beginning was quite slow and I caught myself looking at how much time I had left in the movie, but! - somewhere mid-movie the atmosphere changes and sucks you in. Definitely worth a watch.
"I've seen enough horror movies to know any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly."
So far in what I've seen of the Jason franchise movies, this one is close to topping the list because of it's humor that's a bit different than other horror films. This is one of those films that knows it's a horror movie and has fun with it. Also, Jason is apparently very picky about whose skull he crushes.