✮HenryIsABot ™

✮HenryIsABot ™ Patron

Favorite films

  • Pearl
  • Smile 2
  • The Nice Guys
  • The Love Witch

Recent activity

  • A Haunted House


  • The Maze Runner


  • Fifty Shades of Black


  • Vox Lux


Pinned reviews

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


    Harry handled finding Dobby in his room better than I would have. coming into my bedroom to see a ballsack with legs and massive ears jumping on my bed , let's just say a few kicks and punches would be flying straight towards its fuck-off head along with two thumbs going into its massive eyes.

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    If I was in La la land I would have just been violently whipping and nae-naeing until I got tired

Recent reviews

  • Fifty Shades of Black

    Fifty Shades of Black


    Brief notes:

    - the funniest thing about this movie is that " E.L James" is credited as a writer because she wrote 50 shades so that's funny to me.

    - there was a king Bach jumpscare and joke about him spiking a drink.

    - this movie feels like a YouTube sketch that was dragged out.

    - some jokes that made me smile maybe a chuckle in places but just like most of these uncalled for parody movies they drag the…

  • Flight Risk

    Flight Risk


    as soon as it ended and "directed by Mel Gibson" came up. it all made sense

Popular reviews

  • The Paedophile Hunter

    The Paedophile Hunter


    that one pedo seemed genuinely pissed that there was no 13-year-old, not that he had been stung but that he couldn't meet her.

  • Pearl



    Today is my 21st birthday and I am watching one of my favourite movies whilst eating breakfast, epic birthday.