

Favorite films

  • Apocalypse Now
  • Raise the Red Lantern
  • The Apartment
  • Kung Fu Hustle

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  • Novocaine


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Recent reviews

  • Look Back

    Look Back


    so…looks like this is getting added to the bananafish, violet evergarden list…

  • Incendies



    And that is why 1 + 1 should never equal 1

Popular reviews

  • Challengers



    This Memorial Day weekend I discovered that the wearing pink to Barbie equivalent is breaking in a new FAB by going to see Challengers with your two white male friends—one blonde, one brunette—and having the ticket lady look up, stare, and ask: 

    So, what made you guys want to see this movie?

    I can’t remember if I told her that it was because we had seen a lot of great letterboxd reviews.

  • Donnie Darko

    Donnie Darko


    This is the kind of film to get more polarizing reviews: is it a masterpiece or is it a angsty 2000s film trying to be a masterpiece? Even weeks after my first watch, I’m still not sure about my attitudes towards this film, and I’m certainly not sure if I’ll ever fully understand it. And fair, it’s not a perfect movie, but I can’t deny that it holds a strange existential beauty. I’ll have to revisit it sometime in the future, but in meantime I guess I’ll focus on my commitment to sparkle motion.
