Henry Jeong

Henry Jeong Patron

An argonaut fleeting across seven seas

Sculptor of Scripts in romances, tragedies and power of nostalgia

IG - hjeong817

Favorite films

  • Summer of '42
  • Certified Copy
  • Millennium Actress
  • Next Sohee

Recent activity

  • Next Sohee


  • Sorry to Bother You


  • In a Better World


  • Barbie


Pinned reviews

  • Spring Breakers

    Spring Breakers


    Strange movie. It's not without its flaws, especially on plot and pacing where its weird timeskips and plot gaps feel confusing with warps here and there, but it makes up for its shortcomings almost everywhere else. Addicting cinematography, blaring lights, delirious scores, you name it.

    But it's a movie that aged well, unexpectedly so I would add, on its prophetic value. Of course, I don't think Harmony Korine intended this movie to be anything remotely prophetic and lasting. The way…

  • Young Werther

    Young Werther


    Review 1/4. See here for Review 2 and Review 3.

    About two and a half years ago, exactly on the night of 25th June 2022, I lost someone very special to me due to a personal tragedy. Now what happened that night was all my fault and I've never denied that to this day, so it's not one about blame game. Rather, it's about what happened thereafter and a reminder. The following morning, I tried to commit suicide at Sunnyside…

Recent reviews

  • Next Sohee

    Next Sohee



    이래서 정주리는 되고 김보라는 안되는 것이다. 감독 둘 다 이창동의 결에 있는 신진감독이기에 개인적으로는 비교가 많이 되는 편인데 생각보다 급이 다르다고 봐야한다. 주제는 비슷해 보일지 몰라도 이야기 속 움직임과 정확성에 차이가 있어서 그런것이다. 프레임속 디테일이 조금 딸리고 겉은 밋밋해 보여도 결국 무게감과 그 고요함 속에서 다양함을 보여줘야 하는데 전자는 되고 후자는 안되는 것이다.

    아직 이창동 감독의 품격과 문학적 가치를 통달하지 못하면 결국 백지 한장을 그냥 얼버무리지 말고 이야기를 움직여야 하는데 그게 쉬운일이 아니다. 오히려 자그만한 차이로 가짜와 진짜의 구분이…

  • Sorry to Bother You

    Sorry to Bother You


    At times inconsistent and all over the place, but quirkiness and sparks fly too in a very positive fashion. Asks right questions, provides right themes and has fun with it.

Popular reviews

  • The Electric State

    The Electric State

    this is a $320m movie???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    ai ya!

  • Sugarcane



    Very frustrating documentary that shouldn't be told with such degrees of incompetence. The topic's so relevant and the stories important and compelling enough that they have to be told. In this day and age of increased sectarianism in Canadian society, with particular sentiments coming from the Conservative Party of Canada and their terrorist-aligned opposition leader, movies like this is becoming more important than ever.

    Unfortunately, the way Kassie and NoisyCat chose to engage with it - one of disengagement and…