Don't fear failure. โ Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail
There is no need to waste film-loving assets on such a minor object: Warner's cartoons or John Badham's Nick of Time are references that only occur if the film in question corresponds to its modus with a formal conformity. In other words, the inventive elegance of Badham's film and the creative boldness of Warner's filmmakers are met by this film with a exhibitionist, noisy and unskilled slapdash affair. There is a great idea, I recognize, and its waste.
No doubt very well acted with a disarming coordination of movement as characters continuously enter and exit the frame in what is intended to be a 'legendary' single-take 1-hour episode TV series. Before we get to this, the depiction of class background, teen psychology and police investigation techniques and demeanor of officers, solicitor support, school milieu are of a very high standard. However, in terms of visual representation the suspension of montage is a faรงade: the single take is adulterated to pure functionality and, thus, it loses its relational role of carving time between shots.
Twister is a true absurdity of a film, one where everything is subservient to the promise of disaster sequences & ruin porn, albeit watchable for the 90s nostalgia. It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that the film's narrative structure is akin to a porno where the dramatic scenes are filler for the sex scenes (or the effects scenes). If anything, this film makes me realize how much I miss Bill Paxton as an actor.