Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail
A wonderful dark slice of absurdism. File it next to The Tenant, only it's better—a Kafkaesque fish tank for all its misfits (frustrated at best, destitute at worst) to swim around in. Unlike Bong's later films, it isn't so easily associated with a genre, thus allowing his view of institutional dysfunction and demented human foibles to carry the show. A strong start.
Its funny that alot of media is focusing on Palestinian-Israel crap because of the stars and how that will affect this movie, along with "go woke go broke" crap. In reality, this movie was never going anywhere because nobody gives a fuck about Snow White or the CGI dwarves.
Twister is a true absurdity of a film, one where everything is subservient to the promise of disaster sequences & ruin porn, albeit watchable for the 90s nostalgia. It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that the film's narrative structure is akin to a porno where the dramatic scenes are filler for the sex scenes (or the effects scenes). If anything, this film makes me realize how much I miss Bill Paxton as an actor.