

Previously worked for Monsterschaender. Just recently accepted a work placement in L.A. with a move imminent to the U.S.A.

Favorite films

  • There Will Be Blood
  • Vincent
  • The Devils
  • Grindhouse

Recent activity

  • Possessor


  • Burial Ground


  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


  • Renfield


Recent reviews

  • Possessor



    An assassin takes over the body and mind of someone close to the intended target in this violent , graphic and somewhat amazing cyberpunk horror. Brandon Cronenberg setting his own high standard rather than being in the shadow of his father.

  • Burial Ground

    Burial Ground


    Horrific, horny, Italian 1980’s Zombie cult classic. I was not expecting the sheer joy that is the nonsense of the story or the dwarf man / child being so creepy. Italian, exploitive sleaze fest with some amazing effects. A real treat for the Grindhouse fans.

Popular reviews

  • Evil Dead Rise

    Evil Dead Rise


    A real gore fest in the true style of the Evil Dead franchise. Wherever the book of the dead turns up the horror will quickly escalate and escalate it does. This time the horror demons are in L.A. which is well removed from the cabin in the woods. However this does not feel at all disconnected from the franchise and definitely does not disappoint.

  • Straw Dogs

    Straw Dogs


    Straw Dogs is a gritty hard to watch dark movie about a married couple who experience terror in the English Countryside that culminates in the rape of the wife. ( Susan George ) Sam Peckinpah used the film The Brutes ( Mädchen mit Gewalt ) 1970 as inspiration and showed the movie to the film crew during pre production of Straw Dogs to ensure the same dark tension build up to the rape scene. He was aware of how effective…