
Toni Patron

Favorite films

  • Litan
  • Living in Oblivion
  • Three Poplars on Plyuschikha Street
  • The Blue Note

Recent activity

  • Body Parts


  • Werewolf


  • Happyend


  • An Unfinished Film


Recent reviews

  • Happyend



    I dunno, maybe I've been brainwashed by Terayama, Matsumoto, Wakamatsu (and Chytilova etc.) to think that rebelling shouldn't be this... serious? Mellow? The cinematic revolution used to be a spectacle. Maybe nowadays it isn't – rather, it has become something intimate, more about defining identity than reality. And perhaps this wishes to reach the young people, not us old farts, out there, those who for a good reason see no utopian change to celebrate in the future. Fair enough. But…

  • Land of Broken Hearts

    Land of Broken Hearts


    A tinge too twee to come out in 2024, and takes the wrong lesson from ESOTSM and, uh, multiple wrong lessons from Everything Everywhere. But when this bunch wants to be funny, not just soapy-bubbly cutesy romantic, they are.

Popular reviews

  • Master Cheng

    Master Cheng



  • Fantasma



    Another interesting piece of hauntologics. I should make a list.

    Movies are ghost-making machines (well, so are many other things as well, arguably). But who's the ghost? The actor whose body is recorded and reserved for all eternity? The character who is given a virtual life in the body of another? The director (plus crew) behind the camera, never seen but sensed all the time? Or we the watchers, always present, invading all sorts of places without affecting them?
