

Favorite films

  • Stalker
  • Out of the Blue
  • Satantango
  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

Recent activity

  • Cold War


  • The Man from London


  • Ivan's Childhood


  • The Sacrifice


Recent reviews

  • La Notte

    La Notte


    One of the most complex depictions of relationships to ever be put on film. It is quite unbelievable Antonioni’s capacity to portray a couples turmoil by subtle dialogue and an environment that mirrors our main characters inner struggles, an extension of their own psyche being represented by visuals, frames composed by Italy’s modern landscapes. Every shot is visually satisfying, every dialogue and action means something within our characters emotional state. A fantastic and profound story of human alienation in modern world, our disconnection from human relationships, and our need to make a relationships flourish even if they are already dead.

  • Stalker



    Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker immerses us in a profoundly philosophical narrative, with existentialism serving as a foundational pillar of its story. To properly analyze the film, it is essential to consider Tarkovsky's Christianity and faith, which are intrinsic to his work. This personal belief system shaped the thematic core of his films and created significant challenges for him within the Soviet Union. These struggles are reflected in the world of Stalker.

    The questioning of life and existence permeates the film as…

Popular reviews

  • Knight of Cups

    Knight of Cups


    A truly contemplative film. Malick introduces a journey into a man’s life. There’s not even a narrative or a storyline itself but the ability to connect with your emotions and feelings is something to appreciate. As other films in his filmography, Knight of Cups works as an excellent take on life and all its complexities, but mainly humans psyche and nature. An enigmatic experience that may be hard to watch, but will effectively make you question your own life. One…

  • La Haine

    La Haine


    JOYA. Está película es espectacular en todos los aspectos posibles, la fotografía es excelente, las actuaciones están muy bien pero sin duda lo mejor es el guion, como nos transporta a los suburbios de Paris desde las perspectiva de estos tres amigos, los cuales tienen una muy buena química. Todos los temas que aborda esta película están muy bien llevados no solo mostrándonos la violencia y el odio de forma visual y directa sino también de una manera más sutil en…
