Liam Jagoe

Liam Jagoe

Favorite films

  • There Will Be Blood
  • Harold and Maude
  • The Lobster
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Recent activity

  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes


  • Dawn of the Planet of the Apes


  • Hit Man

  • Footloose


Recent reviews

  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    Rise of the Planet of the Apes


    Evil human is super evil. Good human is super good. Apes complicated. Seems like the next logical thing for them to do is dawn...

  • Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes


    Evil monkey super evil. Good monkey super good. Humans complicated. Seems like the next logical thing for them to do is war...

Popular reviews

  • Mary and Max

    Mary and Max


    Beautiful, heartwrenching. I cried the entire time. And I have nothing emotional going on in my life rn, so...

    I love non-romantic love love stories

  • Nomadland



    An absolute fuckin' waste of Frances McDormand, an amazing and nuanced actor who makes one face and says four things this whole movie, which can't seem to decide if it's wallpaper or social commentary, but it's not good enough at either to get excited about. Maybe if you were really pro-Amazon this movie'd be great, idk, but as it stands it's just mostly soulless poverty tourism that misses the mark on MOST of what it accomplishes. That said, McDorm is still great and it was pretty beautiful.
