

Filmmaker / Editor
Movies are alright.

Favorite films

  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Three Colours: Blue
  • Bottle Rocket
  • Raging Bull

Recent activity

  • Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

  • Uvalde Mom

  • Limelight

  • Nickel Boys

Recent reviews

  • Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

    Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

    Ok so maybe if you feel your life is a wreck, just watch this movie and you might feel better compared to these guys

  • Uvalde Mom

    Uvalde Mom

    Powerful and sobering wow

Popular reviews

  • Babylon


    As if this movie wasn’t chaotic enough, I ran across the street in the first sequence to check to make sure my stove wasn’t on at my apartment (it wasn’t).

    How on earth did this get made? A movie that cannibalizes itself into a Frankenstein of thrill, comedy, and tragedy. It morphs and destroys everything. All that’s left is the next thing. 

    Somehwere out there someone did a double feature of this with Avatar 2 and I want to talk to them. 

    Anyway, I liked it.

  • Tenet


    ??epyh eht htrow ti sI ?wolloh tsom sih ti sI ?tseb sih ti sI .enod reve sah naloN mlif xelpmoc tsom eht eb ot tog sah sihT .rehtie ti dnatsrednu t’ndid ylbaborp uoy siht daer nac uoy fI