

Top four films are in no particular order

Favorite films

  • Memories of Murder
  • From Up on Poppy Hill
  • Perfect Blue
  • Little Miss Sunshine

Recent activity

  • The Breadwinner


  • Ponyo


  • Memories of Murder


  • The Thing


Recent reviews

  • The Breadwinner

    The Breadwinner


    I grew up in Alabama around mostly white peers. Ive never bet a muslim in person to my knowledge and have only seen a woman in a hijab a couple times in my life. Growing up I was taught that muslims arnt really people. Theyre savage things that want nothing but destruction. When I watched this movie when I was about 13 or 14, it forced me to see people from the middle east as real humans with lives. I really dont know if I would be the same person that I am today without this movie.

  • Ponyo



    When i was watching the movie my friend said that ponyo's dad was "like a mixture of egg man and the lorax"

Popular reviews

  • Thomas Sankara: The Upright Man

    Thomas Sankara: The Upright Man


    When western documentaries try to educate people on Marxist revolutionaries they inevitably try to frame them as a "mixed bag." I want to make it clear. Thomas Sankara is the only Marxist revolutionary in my opinion, that literally did NOTHING wrong. This documentary frames the fact that he dismissed thousands of teachers during a teachers strike like it was a bad thing. You can't view this action from a western lens. You have to understand that in Burkina Faso the…

  • The Bob's Burgers Movie

    The Bob's Burgers Movie


    Great movie, I watched this movie in theater with my friends the day I graduated and I brough a greorge forman grill to the movie theater, found an outlit and cooked hamburgers in an empty theater with my friends.

    I will charish that memory
