fear is the mind killer
My 4 are my favorite Michael Mann films for March
I love Michael Mann movies, I love boxing movies and I love Will Smith movies.
Great boxing stories juxtapose the battles inside the ring with the interpersonal battles and drama outside the ring.
Great Will Smith characters bring to the screen raw emotion and vulnerability, broken up with humor.
Great Michael Mann films have extremely strong characters, heart pounding action and visual language blended together with social commentary.
To me this one is slept on as an exemplary, politically charged character study. Smith really channels Ali so well at times, but also brings a little of himself to the character.
Narratively, emotionally and visually one of my favorite films of 2024. Even the score is fantastic, this is one that will still be important in 25 years.
And hey look they did the Strangers on a Train crowd-turning-their-head thing.