Jacob Leppo

Jacob Leppo Patron

Favorite films

  • Blue Velvet
  • Spirited Away
  • Perfect Blue
  • The Royal Tenenbaums

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Lost Highway


  • Eraserhead


  • Nosferatu


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    I’m so fucking happy this movie was as good as it was. A big part of me was feeling anxious as hell walking into the theatre. Knowing how much I loved parasite and most of bongs work I was optimistic but also felt destined to be disappointed. And when the trailers came out they only made it seem worse. But I was wrong. Mickey 17 is one of the best looking block busters I’ve seen in years. Everything feels like…

  • Lost Highway

    Lost Highway


    Not gonna talk to much. In the words of David Lynch “the film is the talking”. All I’ll say is no one does it like him and I wasn’t Disappointed by a second of the screen time and it flew by constantly intriguing.

Popular reviews

  • Come and See

    Come and See


    The way this made me feel is very complex and hard to explain. I don’t think I can really describe what about it exactly made it what it is. But I do know that by the end of it I felt a certain trauma, while the events of the film weren’t as grand scale as other war films. They felt personal. And very grounded. When a person was killed it felt like more then just a person on the screen…

  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


    Loved this, absolutely the closest representation of being on drugs I’ve ever seen in a movie. And I love how every scene feels larger then life and crazy. benecio is GREAT in this film, as is Johnny depp. I loved the first half a bit more then the second. But it was together a great movie.
