Jim Dorey

Jim Dorey

Favorite films

  • Braveheart
  • The Avengers
  • Avatar
  • Midnight Run

Recent activity

  • Interstellar


  • John Wick


  • Fury


  • The Way of the Gun


Recent reviews

  • Interstellar



    Don't listen to those naysayers of INTERSTELLAR. Lord knows what they are thinking, but the movie is AMAZING. Wish it was in 3D, but you know the story there. But wow - such a great Sci-fi classic. Sure you have to suspend your disbelief at the door - it's SCI-FI! CMON! But it wasn't hard to do so and trust me, it's worth the mindset. My mark of excellence of a movie is one that spurs your imagination and excites…

  • John Wick

    John Wick


    Awesome movie. Not perfect but it is very satisfying and well worth the ticket. Saw it in IMAX. Interesting spin for black on black ops.

Popular reviews

  • Unforgiven



    Pulled this one off the shelf again and it NEVER disappoints. Eastwood has created the DEFINITIVE WESTERN with the movie.

  • The Avengers

    The Avengers


    Staggeringly great movie! Extremely well researched, written and thoroughly executed by Joss Whedon.

    The 3D conversion (by Stereo D) is the best I've seen to date and to the lay person will seem like a well done native 3D production, so well worth the money to see in three dimensions!