Gonna need about 50 more of these
Olivia Colman is so good as a nun in this movie which was not the takeaway I expected to have here
Gonna need about 50 more of these
Olivia Colman is so good as a nun in this movie which was not the takeaway I expected to have here
fuck yeah dude what if we were all just kind to each other and made each other’s lives better and also what if animals all got together in a cozy den and had a nice long snooze
I need to see it again to fully process it. Partly because the Marcus Theater I went to had a really blurry screen so I was pissed that I couldn't witness this cinematic masterpiece in its true form.
Besides all that: it's great, it's epic, and it's unexpectedly funnier than the first one. It seamlessly expanded on the story of the first movie, which was a big concern for me coming in. Into The Spider-Verse raised the bar for the…
Much like others who saw the pre-screening of this film, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. But after the film ended, in the fateful moments between the quieting of applause and the lights returning back to the space, Director Joe Garcia placed a firm hand on my thigh and whispered sternly in my ear “this film is on letterboxd, you know”. I replied by lying to his face, saying that I don’t go on letterboxd very often. His cold and cruel…