Jack Kuhlenschmidt

Jack Kuhlenschmidt Patron

Traditionally a Diet Coke in the theater kind of guy, lately into root beer

Favorite films

  • To Live and Die in L.A.
  • Tokyo Sonata
  • Heat
  • The Parallax View

Recent activity

  • Séance


  • Liquid Sky


  • Stir of Echoes


  • Planet of the Apes


Pinned reviews

  • To Live and Die in L.A.

    To Live and Die in L.A.


    I turned 30 on Monday. Rented a theater at the Laemmle Glendale and screened this with my friends to celebrate. I got to introduce the film which was fun as hell. The homoeroticism really comes through when you’re watching with a big audience. Movie fucking rules, one of the greatest ever. Terrific birthday. Everybody Wang Chung tonight

  • They Live

    They Live


    True Story: the day after I last watched They Live, I was smoking a cigarette in the parking lot outside one of my favorite bars (Jay’s Bar on Sunset) and I saw Keith David leaving the vegan restaurant next-door with a date. I was a couple beers deep and I yelled, “Keith! I watched They Live last night, man!” And he was like, “All right,” and hurried his date to his car. Anyways, I really love this movie. It’s my favorite Carpenter film, which is something I do not say lightly. I hope next time I see Keith David, I can make a better impression

Recent reviews

  • Black Box

    Black Box


    This is the best conspiracy thriller in years, perhaps decades. We need more of these bad boys, what a thrill

  • 1900



    Obviously a god tier villain performance from Sutherland but by the end I found De Niro’s character equally disturbing and ominously realistic… the seemingly-benign, ostensibly-liberal, fascist-enabling member of the ruling class? He’d make an incredible chair of the DNC

Popular reviews

  • The Swindle

    The Swindle


    *isabelle huppert shows up with dark hair* 

    Me: just incredible... how does she do it

    *isabelle huppert pulls off a wig, revealing her natural hair*

    Me: no fucking way

  • Mr. Klein

    Mr. Klein


    A film that feels a little beyond me right now, at least on my first watch, in terms of how forcefully it reckons with the pervasiveness of evil on the lives of “normal” people in its midst... But I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything so superficially beautiful and horrifying at the same time. The gorgeous Parisian backdrop (seriously, don’t know if I’ve ever seen the city shot so stunningly, not even by my personal favorites like Melville) is just…