Alternate title:
Ocean’s 2: Just Edging
A sleek and slow burn spy thriller.
Also, the set decorator and lighting design took me right over the edge.
A. This is by far, the best of the Thor films.
B. The atmosphere, the tonal shift, the humor. Sakaar is like an 80’s dystopian fever dream.
C. Hela is… *ahem* well she’s …uhh. I’ll just say that Cate Blanchett with black hair and all gothed out is the awakening that no one expected but is very much appreciated. Goddess indeed.
Watching this again for the first time since it’s release. I was 10 and it was magnificent.
Now I’m 40, and it’s still pretty magnificent. Is it perfect? No. But I respect the over the top, high drama, big science, weird romance, obsession and revenge tale. Not sure why people dislike this so much.
Taking off a star for that overly long first steps in slippery goo scene and all those spinning cam shots.
This was pretty great!! Definitely will see another RiffTrax screening.