Gore whore.
Slimy monster enthusiast.
Friend to kaiju.
Pushed the absurdity a little too far by the end for my taste, kind of undercutting some of the underlying menace of the first act, but I especially enjoyed all of the childhood stuff.
On second viewing this is undoubtedly my favorite movie of 2024. Its lush gothic imagery exudes evil and the aura of looming, all-encompassing decay. It’s the narrative equivalent of a shadow cast by a long forgotten weather-worn headstone over cold grey barren earth. It’s the perfect, definitive depiction of vampirism in film.
I can’t name another film that gets under my skin the same way David Cronenberg’s reimagining of The Fly does. It may very well be the movie that frightens me the most.
The human body is terrifying — it is to me, at least. It’s the intrinsic uncertainties of the flesh that problematize it; the imperfection of the human machine. It has the ability to turn on us abruptly, often without our knowing it until too late. Even in moments…