

Favorite actors: Harvey Keitel, Klaus Kinski
Favorite directors: Kubrick, Herzog, Lynch, Scorsese

Favorite films

  • The Duellists
  • Aguirre, the Wrath of God
  • The Godfather
  • The Man Who Killed Don Quixote

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Beatles '64


  • The Beatles: Get Back


  • The Beatles: Get Back


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    The whole concept of this is distastefully abhorrent and deeply hideous but so are a lot of things in life I suppose.

  • Beatles '64

    Beatles '64


    Beatles ’64 has stories about how the band got acquainted with America and even gives a glimpse into how they came upon the media in the states and discovered a lot about old R&B, etc... It also has David Lynch in it which is a major bonus considering his recent passing. It is an excellent documentary and helps you realize how down-to-earth they were, especially more evident in the earlier stages of their career.

Popular reviews

  • Chris Rock: Selective Outrage

    Chris Rock: Selective Outrage


    Was cool to see LIVE and the way its experience was kind of reminded me of 1990s HBO or something

  • Gotti



    An underrated instant classic that leaves you questioning why someone would remake this and cast John Travolta (Good actor bad fit) ... Great cast, excellent score... In fact the most impressive part of the film to me were the sound effects and music. The gun shot effects were nicely done, the acting was on point. Paulie walnuts with that suppressor shooting someone while wearing a cossack like disguise blending in with fellow mobsters remains a memory that I was left…