
Mainly been catching up on TV and anime this year

Favorite films

  • Tokyo Godfathers
  • The Fountain
  • Sonatine
  • Curfew

Recent activity

  • The Producers

  • A Letter to Momo

  • Cabaret


  • Munto

Recent reviews

  • Foodfight!



    Press ♥ Like if you would include this film in the National Film Registry. Press nothing to admit you found it sexually arousing.

  • Outrage



    Kitano used Scary Face. It was super-effective.

    I actually quite enjoyed Kitano's trilogy of 'creative destruction', but I'm really glad he returned to the yakuza genre. Outrage is pure Kitano-brand ultra-violence. All the characters have a brutal devotion to business and a sinister lack of emotion. The shallow yakuza politics, misplaced allegiances and savage betrayals give it more twists and turns than a Takeshi's Castle obstacle course.

    I was thinking throughout that maybe there was something missing, which turned out…

Popular reviews

  • Love Exposure

    Love Exposure


    Love Exposure is pure transgression. An out-right challenge to dominant perceptions of sexuality, religion, gender and love.

    Such a glorious celebration of all that is deviant and perverse... and why we should all be allowed to love whoever or whatever we fucking want.

  • Forbidden City Cop

    Forbidden City Cop


    Like all Stephen Chow movies, Forbidden City Cop is absolutely choc full of cultural references and pokes fun at countless Western hits (this time, most notably James Bond). The couple, Chow and Lau, are really enjoyable to watch together and the dance scene with Carman Lee was funnily hypnotic. Alas though, with relying upon Chow's trademark slapstick and 'silly talk' sense of humour, the comedy might just be too puerile for anyone other than fans of his 'unique' style.

