Embarassed and ashamed to say I watched this. Luckily! I was I under the influence! And not in charge of my actions!
This is just a kink film. Why is everything so fucking weird.
No plot whatsoever
Absolutely hilarious popped off a perc tho
Embarassed and ashamed to say I watched this. Luckily! I was I under the influence! And not in charge of my actions!
This is just a kink film. Why is everything so fucking weird.
No plot whatsoever
Absolutely hilarious popped off a perc tho
Obviously watched this before, but haven’t seen in YEARS. Rewatching it for my upcoming role as a pirate.
Listen, for 2003, the cgi in this is incredible. Keira knightly is as always gorgeous and I wished I looked like here. Will turner is hot. So is Jack sparrow, (but not Johnny Depp).
It does drag a bit with the endless pillaging and fighting scenes but honestly if it didn’t have that I’d be disappointed so I can’t complain.
After doing…
I know the entire soundtrack off by heart . Wayne Blair is goat director and this is so glorious.