Jon Blizzard

Jon Blizzard

I basically write a quick thing about most movies I see. I really like movies, even the ones I hate!

Favorite films

  • A Clockwork Orange
  • American Psycho
  • Brazil
  • Oldboy

Recent activity

  • Straight On Till Morning


  • Fear in the Night


  • Four Sided Triangle


  • Spaceways


Recent reviews

  • Straight On Till Morning

    Straight On Till Morning


    I absolutely loved this movie for so many reasons. It's a beautifully shot, cut together in a very strange, high energy 70s style and borderline heartwarming (for a very brief time) in between being incredibly disturbing. This is an era of psychological thriller that the world is sorely lacking in this day and age. Brenda is sad, pathetic and looking for something good. Instead she found Peter and he's incredibly scary.

    Great movie, very sad.

    (and yeah, it's true, the makeover is unintentionally hilarious).

  • Fear in the Night

    Fear in the Night


    Fear in the Night is a fun, li'l Thriller with a lot of heavyweight talent and despite perhaps missing a single beat at the end of the movie, I think it's very successful even now 50+ years later.

    Ralph Bates has become one of my favourites of the Hammer continuum. I really wish we got more of him. A shame he died so young.

Popular reviews

  • Marriage Story

    Marriage Story


    This was a very special movie with a very modern take on relationships. What was shocking though was how engaging and effortless of a watch it was in spite of its very heavy subject matter.

    The acting is on point from everybody, and Adam Driver is consistently the best thing in every movie he is in.... Except for Alan Alda, who was essential for balancing this film.

    Congrats on this one, Netflix!

  • First Man

    First Man


    Damien Chazelle is still out there making great movies...and whitey's on the moon.