Jonathan Ytreberg

Jonathan Ytreberg Pro

I'm on a journey to watch every Oscar Nominated film in history, at least the ones I can get my hands on.

Favorite films

  • Parasite
  • Inside Out
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Apocalypse Now

Recent activity

  • White Shadows in the South Seas

  • Nosferatu

  • Sardinia

  • Skyscraper


Recent reviews

  • EO



    Visually speaking, it is stunning. The landscapes that EO inhabits, the towns and locales he visits, all of it is beautiful to look at on the screen and shot so well. On top of that, the sound and music provide a a wonderful sonic backdrop that allows the viewer to become immersed in what is on screen. If this was billed as a documentary and we truly were following a single donkey around the countryside, I would be much more favorable on the film.

    Read my full review on Substack.

  • Saturday Night

    Saturday Night


    I immediately had to go back and watch some of the sketches from that show.

    Read my full review on Substack.

Popular reviews

  • Last Song from Kabul

    Last Song from Kabul


    "They [the Taliban] can do whatever they want, but they cannot take away my love of music."

    And the girl at the end hugging and kissing her insteument during the credits. Heartbreaking

  • Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Transformers: Rise of the Beasts


    A fine addition to the franchise that unfortunately doesn't really do much to further the stories already told. That said, I won't ever get tired of hearing Peter Cullen's voice as Optimus Prime.