

Favorite films

  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
  • Meshes of the Afternoon
  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Mary Poppins

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  • The Door with Seven Locks


  • Nich' mit Leo


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  • Murder She Said


Recent reviews

  • Stomach Ulcer - Es kam vom Licht

    Stomach Ulcer - Es kam vom Licht


    Most homemade amateur splatter films shot on VHS are just that - homemade amateur splatter films shot on VHS. This is surely one of them, no doubt about that.
    It fuckin delivers.
    Right from the start it's going into overdrive and paints your living room a bright crimson RED. Together with early Peter Jackson films and THE SHINING it is definitely on the top ten of the bloodiest movies ever. And the, ahem, actors have so much FUN bathing…

  • Wonder Women

    Wonder Women


    Ich empfehle allen, die der deutschen Sprache mächtig sind, die synchronisierte Fassung unter dem Titel LIEBESGRÜSSE AUS FERNOST zu schauen, welche das schon mehr als abstruse Ausgangsmaterial schnell und nachhaltig weit, weit hinaus in das Reich des kompletten Wahnsinns katapultiert.
    Vielleicht das krönende Werk im Oeuvre des großen Thomas Danneberg.

Popular reviews

  • The Beyond

    The Beyond


    VHS, DVD, BluRay, 35mm - I've seen L'ALDILA dozens of times in the last four decades, and it works in every format every time, in fact, it STILL gets better. And it rocked the first time I saw it on a German dubbed tape during one of our first video nights in the early eighties... it rocked hard. Eternal favorite, one of Fulci's best <3
    Nightmares turning into cinema turning into nightmares...
    the end gets me again and again and again...

  • Damned in Venice

    Damned in Venice


    It took me a while to get used to the strange dramaturgy of Liberatore's film, which presents a teenage life as a series of miracles and mysteries ruled by Eros and Thanatos. A relentless series, for there are approximately fifty flashing episodes of occult horror, sex and gore, loosely held together by dream logic. We are not shown a convincing realist background, which evil slowly invades, but are shoved head first into the writer-director's vision of an apocalyptic Venice and…