didn't realise this counted as social media tbh, I'm just keeping track of the stuff I watch
favs change semi regularly
Hello Jonathan Carley
I wish I'd seen this in the cinema because this is just sooo in your face and everything about the way it's shot is fantastic. It demands attention and, with maybe the exception of the third act strangely, I was hooked on this exaggerated horror the whole time.
The body horror is kinda not my thing but also undeniably fantastically executed throughout, basically a ton of fun that embraces its own silliness.
(also the third act is…
Very strong start, surprisingly a lot of the grim atmosphere and good early exploration was intact even with the bright colours and cutdown first part, but then it hit the city escape scene and tbh just went immediately downhill for me. The music had already been hit and miss, but that was the moment where the music totally destroyed the tone of the story and became entirely unfitting. The editing gets really choppy and jarring, to the point where the…
Definitely need some sort of higher education to understand this film
I fear I'm not smart enough, but I enjoyed it's low key approach, surprisingly watchable for something that's 90% technobabble and vague story details. I think maybe it hits a point where it's unnecessarily complex in its presentation, but it's as much about the feeling of it than my actual understanding. Like yeah I don't totally follow it much at all after a certain point but uh...
That's about…