James Marlboro Red

James Marlboro Red Pro

A fiend, rapscallion, ne'er-do-well. Smells horrid and likes movies sometimes.

Favorite films

  • Uncut Gems
  • Kung Fu Hustle
  • THX 1138
  • SLC Punk

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Mickey 17


  • To Live and Die in L.A.


  • The Monkey


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    This is Bong Joon Ho’s American movie. BJH sat down and distilled a near perfect movie that my simple American brain can digest. I can feel my brain wrinkles coming back after this movie.

  • To Live and Die in L.A.

    To Live and Die in L.A.


    I am going to snort a line of coke off of my other line of coke making it a double coke snort line. I wanna fucking take a load of horse tranq and then shoot my corvette down the LA river as fast as i can. God this fucking movie, ITS TERRIBLE, but in all the best ways imaginable. You’ve got 80’s style misogyny, you’ve got blood so neon that it looks like it’s radioactive, you’ve got a SHORT KING…

Popular reviews

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Fantastic Mr. Fox


    Charming, creative and….fantastic. Upon third watch this movie just gets better and better every watch. The stop motion, the set design, the aesthetics, THE COMEDY. It’s a great feel good movie that I could watch MULTIPLE times.

  • Nosferatu



    Really have some thoughts on this one. Jordan and I watched Bram Stoker’s Dracula a day before going to see Nosferatu, and tbh, if we hadn’t have done that I probably would have rated Nosferatu higher. STILL, it was an amazing movie, truly a movie for the goths. Lilly-rose Depp, UGH so good.
    Robert really nails the tone and atmosphere with this, but in the same breath I really think it’s missing some of the horny disgustingly sexual tone that Bram Stoker’s Dracula oozes.
