Hugo Tarring

Hugo Tarring Pro

★★★★★ Great ★★★★ Very Good ★★★ Good ★★ Fine ★ Bad

🤍 The Classic Status / Enjoyment Modifier

Favorite films

  • Big Trouble in Little China
  • Jaws
  • 12 Angry Men
  • The Thing

Recent activity

  • Splatterfest Exhumed


  • The French Connection


  • Nope


  • Deadstream


Recent reviews

  • The Gorge

    The Gorge


    I am poop!

  • Nadja



    You're tearing me apart, Nadja!

Popular reviews

  • Threads



    When I watch horror films, I generally gravitate towards the fantastical: aliens, monsters, zombies, the paranormal etc (The Paranormal Etc is the name of my new improv comedy ensemble ). Whilst many of these films reflect society, they’re mostly just escapist fun and rarely do I find any of them particularly scary. What truly scares me is the subject of THREADS. It's as uncompromising as it is bleak. And what’s so scary is that all of it is entirely plausible.…

  • Lost After Dark

    Lost After Dark


    This is a horror film that feels like it’s made by horror fans, as opposed to horror literate film-makers. As such, Lost After Dark is basically just 80s slasher fan-fiction; all the nods and references to horror movies of the past just feels a little “hey, you guys, we know horror stuff too”.
