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  • No Other Land


  • Seven Samurai


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Recent reviews

  • No Other Land

    No Other Land


    on the one hand: nothing new, this does not tell us anything we did not know, and know with greater urgency and despair in the past two years; on the other: a true thing is worth repeating. And in any case not a film convinced of its own efficacy. The small moments here -- the little jokes, the hot dads, the cartwheels in ruins -- do a lot to make the moments of gut-churning inhumanity visible, discernible.

  • Seven Samurai

    Seven Samurai


    "Once again we survive" bf, "this victory doesn't belong to us" bf

    something I hadn't caught last time: Katsushirō, everybody's son for the first three quarters of the runtime, is on the last morning lighted upon by Kambei as one more option in his wearing-thin bag of tricks. To boost morale, Kambei lightly mocks Katsushirō for having lost his virginity with Shino the night before; the young aristocrat seems maybe more ashamed than embarrassed at having departed from his ideal…

Popular reviews

  • Challengers



    Infinite Jest as sports anime. “Tennis is a relationship” made me laugh out loud, initially because I thought the line was stupid but later because of how accurately it named how we name our dumbest obsessions; jazz is a conversation, scholarship is communion, hunting down this one whale in particular is a way of being in the world. Such thwarted ambitions and such monstrous afterlives, my heart was in my throat for most of it. Mike Faist looks like a…

  • Blackhat



    -- only problem with this is nobody vapes

    -- Michael Mann looooves when a guy figures out what another guy is doing and goes "that's what you're doing, isn't it, you son of a bitch"

    -- every time the camera "goes inside" the computer the music starts with a Hans Zimmer* sound, and every time I laugh

    -- there's a conversation between Hemsworth and Tang Wei where Hemsworth is doing a very Michael Mann monologue, a michael mannologue, about doing…
