
lieve Patron

Favorite films

  • Monos
  • Laurence Anyways
  • Arrival
  • Tekkonkinkreet

Recent activity

  • Professor Marston and the Wonder Women


  • Lee


  • Am I OK?


  • Shoplifters


Recent reviews

  • Show Me Love

    Show Me Love


    i couldn’t for the life of me remember when exactly i first watched Fucking Åmål. after this second rewatch, i figured out it must have been during my year studying abroad in Stockholm because i definitely remember buying O’Boy at the campus grocery store after finishing watching it and making myself a nice glass of lagom chocolate milk.

    Fucking Åmål ticks a lot of boxes for me. coming-of-age story? check. gay? check. simple enough swedish so i can watch without…

  • Monos



    “rambo es un llorón”

    i already knew Mica Levi was capable of writing a score that can wrap itself warmly around your heart one moment, and then turn it to ice the next. i sought out their other work after watching Jonathan Glazer's Under the Skin - the void and love scenes being a perfect example of the above. the score for Monos, however different in sound, is very similar in that regard. the connect and the disconnect. sometimes it…