Forgot to log this rewatch whoops. Classic with a capital C. Soo bloody good and funny!! Will be seeing the play in London soon and I have high expectations!
I might even put it into the top 4…
Forgot to log this rewatch whoops. Classic with a capital C. Soo bloody good and funny!! Will be seeing the play in London soon and I have high expectations!
I might even put it into the top 4…
As a huge Hitchcock (and Cary Grant!!) fan I’m ashamed to say I found this a bit dull and dragged out. Whilst I can admit that there were some rather entertaining moments (esp the ending with the iconic monument scene) I found myself literally yawning quite a lot😬
Sometimes you live long enough to become the film bro. WOW I get why they all have this film poster on their wall, it’ll be me too I’m afraid, it was amazing.
I want Al Pacino to look at me the way he looked at Michelle Pfeiffer. Okay fine he was a bad guy, he did loads of coke and killed people. But like no one’s perfect. Also I want her dress collection asap.
P.S. Baz Luhrmann would cream at the ending