designer and music producer from Nashville, TN
VHS Villager
How does Tim Robbins not hit his head on every door frame that he walks through?
I’m sorry, Peter Jennings. I was not familiar with your game.
When he quoted the kill radius of a hand grenade off the top of his head, yo…
The Rogue One of the Alien series.
Inject those dusty, pixelated interfaces into my veins.
Fede is cooking with gas here. He didn’t just make a great Alien sequel. Some will say Fede made a better Bladerunner sequel than Denis Villeneuve. I’m not saying that. But someone could make the argument. And if someone made that argument, I would not fully agree but I would acknowledge they have a great point. I wouldn’t even say “let’s agree to disagree.” My response would be closer to “wowwwww really?? interesting.”
“A staggering achievement”
“A towering accomplishment”
“Wow…how did he do that?”
- Me; after leaving the theater at midnight, praising myself for not falling asleep during a 3.5 hour movie that started at 8pm.