

Favorite films

  • Nowhere
  • Gummo
  • Jackass Number Two
  • I-Be Area

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  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre


  • The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years


  • Meredith Monk


  • Tetsuo: The Iron Man


Recent reviews

  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

    The Texas Chain Saw Massacre


    hahaha hoooooly shit this was bonkers

    annoying media analysis: american violence is weird because its very like, mundane? like four people just wander into a house full of sensational killers and are brutally murdered, but that like happens all the time (more or less) so it becomes this sort of horrific but deeply boring backdrop to american life as its news stories play softly on ignored radios. we americans are SUPER accustomed to trauma, desensitized to it, ambivalent about it.…

  • The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years

    The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years


    as a kid, i was OBSESSED with hair metal. in hindsight it was kind of a misplaced love of drag, there was something about these male performers with huge hair, lipstick, eyeliner, blush, platform shoes and outlandish feminine clothing that was sort of really profound to me. i can see now that i was so enthralled by this aesthetic because it was my first real exposure to androgyny and the possibilities of gender bending. needless to say i had a…

Popular reviews

  • Cruising



    cruising absolutely rips, idc what anyone says. 

    theres something for everyone in this film; lubed up fists, a cop themed fetish bar, al pachino getting smacked by ripped leather daddy, a badass transexual informant, uncomfortable straight sex, a crash course in hankie code, etc. etc. etc.

    visually super cool, very stylized, so much BLUE, aviator sunglasses, ugh, love it.

  • Cool Cat Saves the Kids

    Cool Cat Saves the Kids


    i want it to clarify that what i watched was the 2022 directors cut, re-dubbed with derek savage’s voice as cool cat, much of the psychosis of the original version had been cut down or editied. THAT BEING SAID some new, even more insane shit was added, specifically a scene where Cool Cat and Derek Savage like…. destroy an abandoned house????? So it was still absolutely worthwhile. Watched in a room full of people and everyone was screaming and playing cool Cool Cat bingo so very much an unforgettable experience.