
manboobs Pro

The new boy, a little thick between the ears
He’s going for sentimental but he’s coming off severe

Favorite films

  • Galaxy Quest
  • Zoolander
  • The Incredibles
  • Hot Fuzz

Recent activity

  • Inside Out 2

  • Spider-Man 2

  • Beyond

  • The Matrix Resurrections

Recent reviews

  • Inside Out 2

    Inside Out 2

    The good still outweighs the bad but I really dislike when a sequel basically just retreads the same outline. Leave that in the 80s with Ghostbusters 2.

    Funny how a lot of elements feel like discarded offcuts from the first, but then the show Dream Productions feels like discarded offcuts from this. Just how thinly can Pixar slice this loaf?

  • Spider-Man 2

    Spider-Man 2

    That train scene is just so good. Peak superhero fiction! I spent way too long pointing at the cameos: Daniel Dae Kim! Joel McHale! Reed Diamond! Phil Lamarr! Elizabeth Banks (looking impossibly like Parker Posey)! Hal Sparks!

Popular reviews

  • The Tail

    The Tail

    Damn!! It’s such a shame that this sort of constantly shifting, dreamlike animation is now the realm of soulless AI making Batman fight Colonel Sanders. I wish this was fifty times longer, it’s so visually compelling!

  • There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood

    My husband is not a big obsessive nerd like I am, so when he does get excited about something, like Lord of the Rings, it's a lot of fun to get pulled into a different sort of nerding out. He saw this movie on release and loves to say "ELI!" and "I drink your milkshake", and we spent an astonishingly long time waiting for the latter to come up (last ten minutes heh). It is unusual for me to be…