Marianne Guevara

Marianne Guevara

Using this space to not only keep track of my film viewing journey but also to share my thoughts on film to anyone who'd like to listen :)

Favorite films

  • The Man Who Laughs
  • The Innocents
  • Lost Highway
  • Perfect Blue

Recent activity

  • Pulse


  • Mulholland Drive


  • The Heiress


  • The Innocents


Recent reviews

  • Pulse



    Pulse is one of the most notable titles to have emerged from the J-horror genre of the early 2000s and I can see why. This film excellently blends the feelings of paranoia and distrust towards the internet, as it transitions from the novelty to the commonplace, along with the existential problem of loneliness and isolation.
    Pulse proposes an Ouroboros like problem in which our loneliness is fed by, poured into, and circulated by the internet. It's catastrophic in its range…

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    It has been my experience that when it comes to David Lynch, most people's favorite film of his is Mulholland Drive and I can see why. Similar to Lost Highway, Lynch explores that ever fascinating concept of retreating into fantasy in order to escape reality. And in typical fashion he does so through a surreal, deranged, and increasingly nightmarish story. Fantasy and reality blend into one another creating a unpredictable and uncanny landscape both familiar and yet always "off". Yet, there…

Popular reviews

  • It Happened One Night

    It Happened One Night


    I could write a whole spiel about It Happened One Night, how it established itself as the first screwball comedy, how it lay the foundation for many romantic comedies decades to come, how it tackles topics of class and gender roles in the 1930's with style and subtlety. But in all honesty those aforementioned reasons have very little to do with why I immensely enjoyed this movie .
    For all intents and purposes, It Happened One Night is a funny,…

  • The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

    The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari


    This film is 100 years to date, a deeply impressive hallmark for any film to reach. The fact that while those involved in its production are long gone yet we are still able to watch the fruit of their works just adds to the entire intrigue of this film.

    The Cabinet of Dr. Caligiri has been regarded as the "quintessential work of German Expressionist cinema". That reputation alone builds up big expectations and I certainly had them going into this…