
Mari Pro

All ratings are shamelessly subjective and based mostly on vibes/personal enjoyment

Favorite films

  • The Mummy
  • Carol
  • Jurassic Park
  • Pride & Prejudice

Recent activity

  • National Treasure


  • Life of Pi


  • Memento


  • Fantastic Mr. Fox


Recent reviews

  • National Treasure

    National Treasure


    I don’t care what anyone says, this is a good movie. A tad ridiculous and overly romantic about American history yes, but also unironically solid. It's funny, entertaining, and has some good action. The cast is also great together, and the soundtrack is criminally underrated 

    I desperately need Hollywood to start funding more earnest, original, well written action adventure stories. This was made 20 years ago and I’d argue that it could hold its own against most modern movies in…

  • Life of Pi

    Life of Pi


    I haven’t read the book since high school, but from what I can remember this seems fairly accurate. The set up/exposition was good and the story flowed well from there 

    There was a lot of CGI, but it’s mostly aged well. The water effects were a little much at times, but the animals looked cool. Although I can’t help but feel like this is anti-hyena propaganda 

    It was nice to watch this before seeing the stage production at work. I…

Popular reviews

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Fantastic Mr. Fox


    Truly can’t get over how good and cute this is, the animation just blows me away. I kept seeing so many little details that I didn’t catch before and I’m sure that will be the case during my next rewatch too. I really enjoy when you can tell a lot of love and hard work went into making a movie 

    Also Willem Dafoe as the rat will never not be hysterical to me

  • Nosferatu



    This was more creepy than I expected it to be, especially considering it’s over 100 years old and has no sound. It’s impressive what they were able to do with early technology. The story was a little slow for me, but I did genuinely enjoy the use of shadows and overall cinematography 

    I’m not in a rush to rewatch this anytime soon, but I can appreciate why it’s considered so influential and a classic 

    Favorite imdb trivia: (at around 25 mins) Count Orlok is only seen blinking once on screen, near the end of Act One.