Michael Asmus

Michael Asmus Pro

I make decisions and do activities.

Favorite films

  • 3 Ninjas
  • 3 Ninjas Kick Back
  • 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up
  • Ninja Assassin

Recent activity

  • It Conquered the World

  • Inside Man

  • The Oklahoma Woman

  • The Taking of Pelham One Two Three

Recent reviews

  • It Conquered the World

    It Conquered the World

    The rare Lee Van Cleef finger tip! The rest of him is great too. He makes the movie really. He brings a frantic magnetism that commands every scene, making a meal out of his insecure but fanatic blind loyalty (that if you stretched it into a thin metaphor it would feel a bit too politically relevant). Pretty much any scene without him feels lifeless.

    It's also the first Corman film that feels alive. He's starting to move his camera and…

  • Inside Man

    Inside Man

    Haven't watched this since it came out, where I was the lone dissenter against the enthusiasm from my friends. Years later, I sill feel that way. Spike directs it hard (it's got one of his best dolly shots), and it's like he's jamming it full of his favorite New Yorker cultural cameos. And Denzel is Denzel, he can imbue an improvised cough with gravitas. But the script is a bit nonsense, more interested in being a clever puzzle that drags…

Popular reviews

  • The Substance

    The Substance

    I'm a bit mixed on the whole but I had so much fun that I'm choosing to lean into it. Is it subtle? Absolutely not. But neither are the billboards on the Sunset Strip, the outfits seen on a Gelson's run, the sunbathed bodies stretched from the beaches of Venice to Malibu, dating profiles that look more like modeling samples, or the endless parade of actors, aspiring actors, and delusional wannabe-actors who trawl this city for shallow rewards heaped upon…

  • Carol for Another Christmas

    Carol for Another Christmas

    "Politics? Now grasp this if you can. Humanity is no longer a political thesis. It is not a subject for debate. There are no pros and cons, no arguments and rebuttals. We are talking about human want, and human need. And this is a fact of life."

    Children marred and decimated by bombs, sycophants foaming for their individualist leader, a crowd calling for a Black man's blood, ethnic "others" locked away in cages—cuts like a sword and still as angry 60 years later. The dreamy, nightmarish Christmas Present segment goes so hard.